An exiled general, Neyron, is living in his private estate in Florida. He's cut a deal with Frank Layton, a Syndicate man. In return for a big payoff of several million dollars to finance his coup, Neyron will let Layton have all gambling rights in his country when he returns to power in Surananka. Rollin and Jim (as a billionaire financier and his aide) try to buy out Layton's hotel, but Layton finds out it's a ploy to distract Rollin from cutting a deal with Neyron over the Surananka gambling rights. Meanwhile, Barney, Willy, and Cinnamon are on Neyron's kitchen staff and use IMF wizardry to convince him he has a disease that lets him predict the future. Neyron then foresees his murder thanks to a projection of Rollin-as-Layton and shoots Layton as he arrives to confront the general.